Generals are the boss. There are 4 of them: Gr33nz tmc, Gr33nz 2mc, Gr33nz 3mc, and Gr33n2 4mc. Then each General
picks out a Captian or 2 the captians are then in charge of Lieutanants. The Lieutanants are in charge of making sure
the serants know what do to do and make sure they tell the remaining two ranks what to do.
Generals - Only 4 (names will be posted later)
Captians - 4 -8
Lieutants - 4 - 8
Sergants - 4 - 8
Corporal - As many as possible
Recurit - As many ass possible
The way you rank up if by proving yourself to the higher ups. For example being a good fighter or smart
operator or good scout. Lieutanants and above can only make someone a higher rank.